Ecobank has officially issued a statement on the fire incident that gutted its head office in Victoria Island, Lagos. The statement, which was signed by Mr. Austen Osokpor, the image maker of the Pan African bank reads as follows: “There was a fire incident this morning in the compound of Ecobank’s Lagos head office when a tanker delivering diesel to the bank caught fire. The fire was contained within the generator house and the diesel truck and there was no loss of life or damage to any other property.”
The statement added that the Lagos State Fire Service, the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA) Response Unit and the Federal Fire Service arrived quickly and put out the fire.
Mr. Charles Kie, the Managing Director, Ecobank Nigeria in the statement stated, “We commend the fire service personnel for their diligence, expertise and bravery in dealing with this incident. We sincerely thank Fidelity Bank Plc, Union Bank of Nigeria Plc, United Bank for Africa Plc, First Bank of Nigeria Limited, Julius Berger Nigeria and NAPIMS for providing much needed support and we also express our sincere appreciation to the general public and all well-wishers.”
According to the statement, Ecobank’s Data Centre was not affected by the fire incident while business at the head office has rapidly returned to normalcy. Ecobank assured everyone that the bank’s building and all its other facilities are unaffected