Alhaji Sale Auta, a popular businessman in the Kankara local government area of Katsina State was killed during a night attack on Gidan Daudu village. We gathered that during the night attack, the gunmen, who are commonly referred to as bandits, also kidnapped Mr Auta’s teenage daughter, Aisha, and several others, local sources stated.
Mr Auta, a merchant and philanthropist, is believed to be one of the wealthiest persons in the town. A resident of Kankara, Magaji Basiru, said the bandits arrived on motorcycles, dragged him outside and promptly killed him.
A resident of the area who recounted the incident said, “It was a little after 9:00 p.m. when we heard of the attack. Alhaji Sale Auta was at home with some of his associates when the bandits stormed his house and picked him up.” Mr Basiru said the locals believe the attack was planned to get at the local trader.
“You know, I was in Kankara when the village was attacked but what I heard as of today (Wednesday April 6, 2022) is that aside from Aisha (the daughter) seven others were also abducted. But I also heard that the number of those abducted has reached 10,” he said.
The spokesperson of the police in Katsina, Gambo Isa, told the media that he would check and revert. We could not wait before filing this report. Katsina State, like most of the states in the North-west of the country, is plagued by violence led by gunmen who attack communities, kill at will. Thousands have been killed since the gunmen became active in 2018, while an uncountable number of people have been abducted.