Home » 14 Ways To Avoid Sudden Fire Outbreak In Your Home, Office

14 Ways To Avoid Sudden Fire Outbreak In Your Home, Office

by newsbits-admin
Fire house

Fire outbreak wreaks havoc every year in Nigeria and around the globe and people still seem not to have learnt anything from certain mistakes of the past. Experts believe that the sad incident of fire outbreaks could be well avoided if people could be a little bit careful whether they are at home, in the office or in the market by following or avoiding some of these guidelines as suggested by researchers:

Piling Up Dirty Rags
A wood stain can bestow the perfect finishing touch on a furniture project. But later on, that pile of oil-soaked rags you tossed in the corner could trigger the perfect storm: Left unattended, those rags are a very real fire hazard, as they could oxidize and spontaneously combust, causing a house fire. To dispose of oily rags properly, place them in a metal can that has been filled with water, and cover it with a tight-fitting lid, or lay them flat outside to dry.

Misusing Electric Blankets
A warm and cozy electric blanket is a welcome comfort in the cold, but it also poses a potential fire hazard if used improperly. Never allow pets to snuggle up on top, and do not pile extra covers over the electric blanket, because excessive heat build-up may lead to fire. Keep your electric blanket at its lowest setting, never bend the coils, and always turn it off in the morning.

Neglecting Appliance Recalls
During the last decade, home appliances caused an estimated 150,000 fires each year, and a significant number of these were caused by defective appliances. To keep on top of recalls and prevent disaster in your home, avoid using defective appliances.

Lingering Dryer Lint
We all know that emptying the lint screen increases your dryer’s efficiency, but did you know that lint is also flammable? Mixing excessive heat with lint build-up is a recipe for disaster. Clean the dryer vent and exhaust duct regularly, as well as the interior of the dryer frame, to clear away lint and clogs, and reduce the risk of fire.

Choosing the Wrong Wattage
If you have ever thought to yourself, “It is probably ok to use this 60-watt bulb in a 40-watt socket,” you are not alone. You are, however, putting your home at risk. Installing a light bulb with a wattage that is too high for a lamp or light fixture is a leading cause of electrical fires. Always check the light fixture’s maximum wattage, and never go over the recommended rating.

Using Too Many Extension Cords
Extension cords are meant to be a temporary response to a lack of electrical outlets, not a permanent solution. This is why: Connecting a large number of cords for a significant amount of time can cause an overload that leads to a short circuit—which could ignite a fire. If you need additional outlets, hire a qualified electrician to install them, and you will avoid this problem altogether.
Performing ‘do it yourself’ repairs You are Not Qualified to Do
Americans will spend about $200 billion this year fixing up their homes, and nearly a fifth of this expense will go toward DIY projects. But jobs involving electrical wiring, plumbing etc should never be completed without a qualified professional, because gas leaks and electrical sparks resulting from improper installation are a common cause of house fires. Do not put your home and your family at risk by attempting these dangerous DIYs on your own—hire a professional instead.

Disregarding Dust
Believe it or not, built-up dust can be a fire hazard if it collects in and around electronics, electrical sockets, and even floor heaters. By vacuuming on a regular basis, especially behind your electronics, you will significantly reduce the likelihood that particles of dust will catch fire due to prolonged exposure to heat sources.

Storing Batteries Improperly
If you store 9-volt batteries in your kitchen junk drawer, you may be putting your home at risk. When loose batteries roll around with other metals, such as screws or paper clips, the two terminals could short out and generate enough heat to ignite nearby flammables. Put a piece of electrical tape over the terminals, or store the batteries in their original packaging to prevent this possibility.

Ignoring Uninvited Guests
Mice and other rodents like to gnaw on electrical wires to control the length of their teeth. Over time, they can remove the sheathing, leaving the wires exposed. Unfortunately, the electric current that travels through the wire generates heat, and in the absence of sheathing this could lead to sparks caused by short circuits, which in turn could ignite the surrounding surfaces. If you suspect a rodent infestation, call a professional exterminator or fumigate immediately.

Overlooking the Range Hood
While ovens and cooktops are the most common sources of kitchen fires, range hoods also pose a potential threat. Over time, grease that has built up on the vent hood filter can drip down onto the cooktop, possibly igniting a fire. From there, the flames could easily reach your cabinets, and before you know it, your kitchen could be consumed by fire. Do not let this happen to you! Regularly clean and maintain your range hood to keep your kitchen out of harm’s way.

Arranging Furniture Unwisely
If your furniture is too close to your wood stove, it could spontaneously ignite. Pyrolysis, a chemical decomposition of a combustible item, occurs when an object (say, a sofa) is continually exposed to a heat source (a wood stove) and eventually dries out. This leading yet seldom-considered cause of structural fires does not require a direct flame; all it takes is heat and time for ignition to occur.
Courtesy: Yahoo.com

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