Home » Shun Thuggery, Hooliganism During 2019 Elections – Activist Warns Youths

Shun Thuggery, Hooliganism During 2019 Elections – Activist Warns Youths

by newsbits-admin

With the 2019 general election fast approaching, an activist, John Oluwole, has urged Nigerians to be wary of what he described as “Money bag politicians” in the country. Oluwole was speaking at a sensitisation workshop in Ibadan earlier today. The theme for the workshop is: “Youth and Violence-Free Election.’’

The workshop was organised by an Ibadan-based NGO, Vanguard for Better Living, for leaders of some youth organisations. The activist decried the activities of some politicians who rely on vote buying and other unscrupulous means to win elections. He stated, “This has denied credible candidates that have developmental blueprints for their respective constituencies opportunity to assume public office. It is time to shun these politicians and cast our votes for masses-friendly candidates that are ready to bring development to the people. The electorate must get it right during the forthcoming general elections if really we want improved economy and infrastructural development in our respective constituencies.” Oluwole further called on the youths to shun thuggery, hooliganism and other forms of political violence.

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